Senin, 09 Januari 2017

Webview Transparent Background Android

webview transparent background android

I'm testing on my nexus 5 with android 4.4.4, and the webview background is still black setting color: mweb.setbackgroundcolor(color.transparent);. One workaround is to set the background color transparent and then change the background image are they trying to kill webview development in android?? this. <meta-data android:name="android.webkit.webview.metricsoptout" android:value="true" /> data will sets the background color for this view. void:.

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Github - alrra/browser-logos: high resolution web browser logos

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I am looking for a piece of code which is able to get a transparent background in a webview for version 4.0 and above. my code is working fine with version 2.3 but it. Many people face an issue with android's webview and transparent background. the problem is that if you need to make transparent background for the webview, it is not. Android webview style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2 i'm struggling to create a webview with transparent background..

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